Sunday, December 29, 2019

6 Steps to Apply for a New Job After Being Fired or Laid-off

6 Steps to Apply for a New Job After Being Fired or Laid-off6 Steps to Apply for a New Job After Being Fired or Laid-offHow to apply for a new job after being fired or laid-offHeres a short list of people who were fired at least once in their lifetime Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison, Mozart, J.K. Rowlingyou get the point.All of these famous people used the experience of getting fired as a springboard to bigger and better things. So believe it or not, getting fired or laid off can be a good thing. It can lead to amazing new opportunities that you never imagined while working at your previous job.Of course, this post is not suggesting you try to get fired from your job. Trying to get fired by doing something rash is a sure way to taint your reputation and will hurt your chances of getting hired elsewhere. If youre unhappy with your current work situation, you should go about resigning in a professional and respectful way.Step 1 Take it like a proBeing fired or laid off can co me as a shock. You might take it personally since you placed a certain amount of trust in your former employer. But no matter how hurt or angry you feel, take the bad news in a professional manner.Once youve been let go, your old company can be useful to you as you look for a new job. Sometimes being fired or laid off isnt about your personal shortcomings or mistakes so much as it is about your employer needing to downsize. In that case, your former manager should be willing to provide you with a reference as you apply for positions elsewhere. You can also treat the situation as an opportunity to get feedback on your work and how you might improve in certain areas.Step 2 - ReflectAfter the dust has settled, take a step back and reflect on your previous job. Ask yourself questions like What did I enjoy about my job?, What would I have changed about my work? and How could I have improved?By asking yourself these questions, you are trying to get a clear picture of whether you should pu rsue a similar role with a different organization or whether youd like to have more of a career change.If you decide that your former job was the perfect fit for you and that you want something identical, then think about how you could improve your skills or expertise in that area. In other words, what would increase your chances of getting hired for a similar role?If you decide that youd like to pursue an opportunity thats a bit different, think about the skills or experiences that you need improve upon to make that shift possible.Step 3 Be productiveBecoming unemployed can be stressful for instance, financial commitments or needing to provide for loved-ones might mean you need to find a new job right away.For other people, they may treat getting fired or laid off as an opportunity to be free from working life for a little while. But its important to realize that even if you arent working, you should stay productive.When recruiters see long periods of unemployment on a job applica tion, they cant help but ask why the person has not been working. You want to be able to prove to these recruiters that even though you didnt have a formal job, you were committed to improving or learning new skills and gaining new experiences.As already mentioned, time off is a chance to upgrade your qualifications and knowledge. You may choose to go back to school, pursue certifications, volunteer or do some freelance work. In each case, you are doing something that increases your value to a future employer.Step 4 Update your resume or CVPart of being productive involves updating your resume or CV. Often people dont update their resume or CV until they consider or experience a job change. Therefore, you should have plenty of elements from your previous job that should be added to your resume or CV. Also, be sure to find room for new skills or experiences that you may have gained while unemployed.Finally, to make sure your resume and CV will be effective for your job search, you n eed to become familiar with how best practices for resumes, cover letters and CVs may have evolved since the last time you applied for a job. That way you increase your chances of giving recruiters exactly what they are looking for.Keep in mind as you prepare your job application materials that you should avoid highlighting the fact that you have been fired or laid off. This is something that the employer will bring up in an interview if they feel it is relevant.Step 5 Finding a new jobThere are countless ways for finding a job read about the best job search strategies here.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to Handle When a Job Interviewer Points out Your Flaws

How to Handle When a Job Interviewer Points out Your FlawsHow to Handle When a Job Interviewer Points out Your Flaws4You made great introductory small talk and aced the first three questions, but then the job interviewer hits you with a whammy about your educational hintergrund not matching the qualifications listed in the job ad. Dont panic If a hiring manager bothered to bring you in, he must have found something attractive in your application. Handle conversations about your flaws with poise through these strategies.Here are a few tips to handle a conversation about your flaws with a job interviewer1. Remain calm.Dont blame the employer for probing. The rolle is not trying to anger you. Shes simply doing her job- looking for the best fit for the position.First, and most important, never disagree with yourinterviewer, says Roy Cohen, career coach and author of The Wall Street Professionals Survival Guide. When you dont match the job specs line by line, they have a responsibility to assess whether you are qualified to perform successfully in the job. It is up to you to respectfully demonstrate that you bring a unique and alternative skill set that will offset any perceived deficits.2. Refocus the discussion.Instinct may rouse your defenses, but a better tactic is briefly acknowledging the issue and moving on. Youll demonstrate honesty and respect for their concern without dwelling on negatives.When a perceived flaw gets brought up, Cohen suggests saying something such as, Yes, I can see how someone might form that impression. With your permission, may I offer you additional background and detail to demonstrate how I am, in fact, a perfect candidate for this position?3. Shine.Finally, realize that an employer often views a job ad as the starting point for evaluating a candidate, not the be-all and end-all for a decision. Use that wiggle room to your advantage.There is an old maxim in geschftsleben of the 80-20 rule. It says that 20 percent of your employees do 80 percent of the work. While this may not be true in every situation, most managers believe it and they hope that every one of their new hires will be in that top 20 percent percent. If they are interviewing you, they are hoping you are that person, says Duncan Mathison, career coach and co-author of Unlock the Hidden Job Market 6 Steps to a Successful Job Search When Times Are Tough.Mathison urges smart job seekers to take stock of the gaps between their background and the job they are applying for, and find examples in their background to demonstrate they not only understand the gap buthow they will still be a top 20 percent performer.Some ways to show youll be a top performer includeBe direct and ask about it. Try saying, I have been told that having a degree or a certain number of years experience is no guarantee that someone will become a top performer in a job. What do you think are the most essential skills or knowledge that make someone a top performer in this job here?If y ou have been a manager, take the interviewers perspective and use a story from your own background in hiring. I know as a manager it is helpful to ask for 5-6 years of experience over, say, 2-3 when making hiring decisions. But I have to tell you, one of the best hires I made was someone who only had six months experience. She was motivated and dedicated. I think this is the right job for me. I want to be one of your best hires.Did you go to college but never got a degree? If you want to be a pilot and dont have a pilots license, this is a problem. But many times these requirements are not essential to perform a job well. Use a compelling story backed up by past job performance to diffuse the requirement. You might say, I got good grades in school, but the cost was hard on my parents. Besides, I always preferred practical on-the-job learning. In every position, my managers have found me to be a dedicated employee and a quick study who stays current in the profession. Every time I th ought about going back to school, I would get promoted. I decided it was not worth the financial commitment and the time away from family.Show your potential to be that top 20 percent hire, and your flaws may be reconsidered or actually seen as unique assetsReaders, have you ever had a job interviewer point out your flaws? How did you, or would you, handle it?

Thursday, December 19, 2019

10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Chances for a Raise

10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Chances for a Raise10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Chances for a Raise All across America, it is wertzuwachs review time - the annual ritual of nervousness and wincing when everyone from interns to executives gear up to receive critical feedback about their work. In addition to the evaluation of performance and success, this is the time where managers and HR pros decide on bonuses, promotions, and raises.While employees probably cannot turn the tide of a poor performance streak, there are behaviors you can practice that will improve your chances for a raise this review cycle or next. For insight, we turned to Joel Garfinkle, executive coach and author of Get Paid What Youre Worth . Your manager will most likely never come to you and simply give you a raise. You need to ask for the pay increase.Dont be afraid to ask for the raise, Garfinkle says.Here he weighs in on the 10 simple ways to show your boss youre ready for a raise.1. Practice good communication early and often.Great communication skills are critical in every aspect of your career. Whether its communicating with your superiors, fellow team members or those youre directing, effective and efficient communication will help ensure youre seen as a valuable asset.2. Show your ability to motivate and inspire those you work with.Being seen as a great team motivator is typically key to moving up any companys organizational chart. Great leaders dont tell people what to do, they inspire them to do their best.3. Consistently push the boundaries of whats possible.While you may not be able to invent the next big app or revolutionize your industry, showing that you are proactively thinking about business solutions and ways to innovate will make all the difference come review time.Whether youre developing innovations within your industry, your company or just within your specific job duties, showing that you can think outside the box , to help take your organization to the next level is going to really make a good impression on those wholl be determining the fate of your promotion.4. Think about what contributes to the bottom line.Hard work is always a great start to securing that raise, but definitely not all that it takes. Your value as an employee, which is determined in both qualitative and quantitative measures , are areas your manager can put a number to and are often easier to use as leverage, when talking about a raise. Remember, improving a businesss bottom line is a primary goal of for-profit businesses. For this reason, if an employee consistently is contributing effectively and efficiently to this goal, its going to be more likely unterstellung efforts will develop into a raise.Timing is important for these 2 reasonsThe timing of the companys fiscal health and future plans.How is the company doing, financially? Are they in a position where they can afford to give you a raise? What are their future development plans and how importa nt is the work you are doing to contribute to those plans success? This can increase your value significantly if they feel like they cant afford to lose you.Secondly, the timing of your supervisor. Where your supervisor is on that oscillation of employee worth can affect whether or not he or she can get your raise approved. Even the mood they are in (both due to personal and professional reasons) can impact your effectiveness on negotiating a raise. 6. Get buy-in from your colleagues and mentors.Endorsements and recommendations can be the deciding factor when it comes to getting a raise. When your peers or supervisors praise your work, definitely keep track of that as supporting material for the raise discussion.In order to negotiate, you must be willing to take the risks to ask for what you want. Your fearless and courageous attitude will help you take the necessary risks to get the upper hand.8. Be confident in yourself and your own self-worth.The 1 reason most people get less i n a negotiation is due to lack of self-worth. People under-earn because they undervalue themselves. Be confident in yourself so you can believe that you deserve the amount you are asking for.9. Have the right amount of patience.Most concessions occur at, or even past, the deadline. Be patient in order to get your desired amount. You will be tempted to give in and accept the offer, but this is where the real negotiation begins. The more patient you are throughout the process, the greater your chances are for getting what you want.Employees should never wait for their periodic review to discuss their raise and/or promotion aspirations, instead they should be having these conversations with their superiors throughout the year. Oftentimes, raises require budgetary changes, and this means that it needs to be planned and budgeted for by your supervisor. Letting your supervisor know of your desires also allows them to give you more responsibility so you can take on opportunities to earn th at raise. When you do take on additional responsibilities and are successful, definitely keep track of these accomplishments so you can use it as supporting evidence supporting for your raise request.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

How APO Zip Codes Work in the Military Postal Service

How APO Zip Codes Work in the Military deutsche bundespostal tafelgeschirrHow APO Zip Codes Work in the Military Postal ServiceSending mail to servicemen and women overseas has been a time-honored tradition in the U.S. military since it began. Many a lonely soldier has been cheered up or kept in the loop about family events by a letter or care package from back home. The tradition of sending mail to troops at war goes back hundreds of years, to the British Postal Service, and some evidence suggests it goes back even further than that, to ancient Egypt. In any case, sending mail and correspondence to troops stationed far from home is not a new concept. So its sort of surprising that the Department of Defense created the U.S. Military Postal Service Agency as recently as 1980. The agency serves as the single military mail manager and is headquartered in Washington, D.C. Until its creation, each branch of the military and every government agency managed its own mail. This was done using the APO/FPO system, which is still part of the process but is now a lot more streamlined than it once was. Before mailing off that package, it helps to know how to navigate the APO/FPO addressing system, which allows anyone stateside to mail letters and parcels overseas to military members at domestic shipping rates. APO stands for Army/Air Force post bro for bases overseas and FPO stands for fleet post office, which serves the Navy and Marine Corps. Navigating APO and FPO Mail Deliveries The U.S. Postal Service will deliver mail to a military port in the U.S., and the Military Postal Service will transport mail intended for servicemen and women at posts or ships overseas via military cargo aircraft. The suffixes after the APO or FPO address determine which Military Post Office will handle the package before its sent overseas. For instance, AE indicates Armed Forces Europe, AA indicates Armed Forces Americas, and AP indicates Armed Forces Pacific. New Zip Codes for Overseas Action When theres a major U.S. military action overseas, the Military Postal Service will often designate new geographic zip codes for U.S. military units and personnel in foreign countries. For instance, back in 2003, the Military Postal Service assigned a slew of new APO zip codes for service members and civilian employees serving in Iraq. The goal was to get mail from back home to personnelquickly and to improve postal service throughout the entire country of Iraq. So mail going to American troops stationed in Al Asad would go to zip code 09333, in Mosul, the code was 09334, Tikrit was 09393, and so on. Those zip codes were discontinued by the military in 2011, since American troops were returning home. APO Zip Codes Assigned to Units Often when there is an extended military operation overseas, units are moved around with little notice. For security purposes, rather than designate a zip code for a specific geographic location, the Military Post Office assigns a zip code to a particular unit or division. For instance, the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) hadits own zip code, as did the 173rd Airborne Brigade.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Hidden Treasure of Housekeeping Supervisor Resume

The Hidden Treasure of Housekeeping Supervisor Resume Objective is now the main a component of an effective resume. Every point under Work Experience should start out with a verb, and you ought to make sure that you use many diverse verbs to produce the section more interesting. Extremely convenient and itll help save you hurs of work. Whether this Housekeeping resume example was leid sufficient for you, youre totally free to review several other samples and templates from our website. Theres not any reason to pass it to a hotel HR manager. Writing the ideal assistant manager resume objective or summary can be complicated. Furthermore, you can look for secretary jobs on Monster. Now you know how to craft an awesome Housekeeper resume, have a look at our Housekeeper cover letter sample to complete making your application materials.Trying to find postings on just one website isnt enough. Our resume builder gives you tips and examples about how to compose your resume summary. For that, you may use these housekeeping resumes. When posting the financial resumes, its essential to adhere to the crucial tips. If youre on the lookout for a housekeeping job, youre going to need a resume that sparkles. Show the employer why youre the suitable person for the housekeeper job prospect. You must reveal the possible employer you could supply them with what they want. Statistics space that the normal employer single-handedly requires a number of seconds to see at a Resume Samples For Executive Housekeeper, because of this its essential that it makes an enduring impression. For Work Experience, the very first position listed should be whatever is most recent since you wish to immediately demonstrate the hiring manager where youre in your career at the moment. First and foremost, if you wish to have a prosperous career in Housekeeping, youve got to learn how to get alongside people. Work ethic is very important for housekeepers. If youre on the lookout for a ho usekeeper position, you are going to require a professional resume. The skills part of your assistant manager resume cant be full of all skills you believe youve listed in whatever order you see fit. Following that, it should impress the hiring manager with information which is relevant to them. Thus your manager resume clearly needs to concentrate on your particular experience and should not be overly generic. So if youre planning to submit an application for a housekeeping position, you will need to structure your resume effectively explaining your cleaning skills and experience in the relevant fields. You are just about to write the ideal office assistant resume For the very first time in your life, youll have complete wellness, dental, and vision insurance. Work Environment A housekeeping supervisor must carry out the exact same housekeeping tasks as the individuals they supervise, or so the work environment fluctuates based upon the forms of services being performed and the facility where the person is working. For instance, if youre interviewing for a job cleaning a restaurant after hours, you might be requested to define your understanding of cleaning and sterilization tactics which are in accordance with health department standards. Inspected guest rooms to make sure the maximum cleaning standards are satisfied. You must also clearly show your experience in the hospitality business and the capability to oversee the housekeeping staff to be certain that theyre working correctly. Mention a fact or two you love about the corporation. Finally, proclaiming it is optionally available, but it might benefit convince companies which you really understand what you need and are conscious of the industry. Even though a quality resume is critical, cover letters also can make or break your odds of getting an interview. Quite simply, employers ought to be in a position to read your career objective and find a fantastic sense of your job qualifications a nd your job-seeking intentions. For example, a housekeeping supervisor who works for a little company will earn under a supervisor who works for a far bigger corporation. You will have the ability to incorporate all of your work info in the templates, together with the other qualifications. Another plan is to get recommendations from some other people about your abilities and dependability. Claiming it is sometimes a good idea for a couple explanations. If youre planning to apply for such a work then here are a couple of points that you want to stay in mind at a better impression on the selector. If and when someone prints the document, you would like to ensure there are not any technical challenges.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What You Should Know About Resume Writing Which

What You Should Know About Resume Writing Which Not only do job seekers want to customize content to every employer, but in addition they will need to consider which resume format best suits the job at hand. Resume ought to be written in a way that describes your entire profile in a systematic way. Even if youre planning to begin the career in the exact competitive job market, the web site states they will be able to help you with that. Offering free resume reviews is one method to discover clients. Luckily, there are many resume writing examples available that could supply the guidance you should receive your foot in the door. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. In terms of areas of specialists, prime resumes states they may let you succeed even when you have very complicated expert location. The Appeal of Resume Writing Which Youre surely the ideal CV writing services. The exact same skill will be crucial for the writing of ex cellent resumes. Its possible for you to obtain writing help through many of books, articles and www sources. Resumes can be a couple of pages. Top Resume Writing Which Secrets The very best writing businesses wont just utilize questionnaires to think of the resume. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods. Consequently, today, your resume must impress and draw the interest of the prospective employers and writing such a document is really an art that not everybody can master. The solution is it depends. Your writers have done a fantastic job. There are lots of GED essay topics provided to the students in GED essay writing exams which make it challenging to manage. In resume writing, freelancers will need to use attention grabbing, crisp and expert language. So you should be in a position to edit your paper yourself. While writing the essay you should be certain your essay is absolutely free from any sort of errors like grammatical or spelling in order to save your time in the revision procedure. Writing help can be found in many forms today. Resume Writing Which Secrets That No One Else Knows About Credentials like the Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) may also indicate that a website is legit. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but fruchtwein often theyre utilized to secure new employment. They may be organized in different ways. There are a lot of basic forms of resumes used to make an application for job openings. A simple resume template is going to be your very best bet. To acquire a professional resume made, youll need to devote a significant sum of money. Theres an option to acquire a complimentary revision of the resume in scenarios where you might truly feel the writer hasnt followed all the required requirements in the resume.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

What You Can Do About Massage Therapist Resume Beginning in the Next 2 Minutes

What You Can Do About krpermassage Therapist Resume Beginning in the Next 2 Minutes When employing a krpermassage therapist, employers want to find someone with experience in the area, with a broad understanding of massage procedures, and who has the ability to interact well with clients and fellow staff. The one and only way youre going to have the ability to discover jobs as a massage therapist is should you search for openings. Although it varies, the majority of states need a massage therapist to have completed some kind of secondary education followed by means of a license or certification in massage therapy as a way to practice. The practice isnt well-regulated or government controlled, primarily since there are no detrimental side effects and provided that a therapist doesnt advise a patient to forgo conventional medical therapy, no harm can be accomplished. 1 reason for the continued increase in the field is that medical professionals are currently seeing results from cl inical studies that signal that using massage therapy is excellent for your wellness. Learning the most suitable tactics or visiting a great massage therapist can permit you to receive the most benefit. After you were injured, you can also use some techniques to recuperate as quickly as possible. Presently, there are over 200 forms of massage strategies, each using numerous methods. Your resume can allow you to get your foot in the door, even if do not have any prior massage therapy job experience. In some instances, it might draws in a couple of hundred resumes. Odds are, if youre applying on the internet for a job, your resume will be screened and ranked by means of an ATS. When you find opportunities, you must work on sending out your resumes. Entry-level resumes are extremely different from the expert resumes as theyre typically for people that are still studying, with very little work experience, and generally, have a limited number of on-the-job skills. Volunteer work that shows interpersonal abilities or leadership is also valuable info to grow the document. Like many recent graduates, you will then be searching for a job which fits your abilities. Youll also develop your complete sales skills at work. Relevant interpersonal skills would be convenient. There are a lot of unique motives for which the letter might have to be written. It shouldnt be from someone who is per se but it has to be from someone who is a personality watch that is terrific also has something positive to say about the defendant. Composing an official letter is regarded as an intimidating endeavor by individuals. Even though it might appear to be a standard small small business letter, authority letters have an excellent deal of legal implications. The Massage Therapist Resume Cover Up A great deal of athletes have to train each day. For those who have close to ten years experience, you should think about the reverse chronological format. It is possible to also i ncorporate any expert wellness and physical fitness affiliations a prospective employer may be interested in. The more certifications a therapist has, the simpler it is to obtain work or procure clients, but Reiki certification might not be something you can increase your resume. State if youre certified in some specific types of massage. Most states arent going to permit you to practice without a license. After the event, the muscles of the human body will nonetheless need to get conditioned. Whether its a picture of your self or a different graphic it isnt acceptable. Clients would wish to know if youre really licensed. If youre employing the USAJOBS software, all you have to do is definitely log in the system and click the Application Status connection. Utilize your Massage Therapist resume objective to discern the customer or employer what you could do.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Game On! Most Companies Rally Behind B-Ball Fun at Work

Game On Most Companies Rally Behind B-Ball Fun at WorkGame On Most Companies Rally Behind B-Ball Fun at WorkGAME ONMOST COMPANIES RALLY BEHIND B-BALL FUN AT WORKWhat managers say about college basketball playoff activities in the office72% say they increase staff moraleCities that report the biggest morale boost1 Des Moines, Indianapolis (tie)2 Raleigh3 Dallas, motor city, Salt Lake City (tie)52% see productivity benefitsCities that report the biggest productivity boost1 Miami2 Los Angeles3 Detroit75% of companies organize sports-related festivities.How companies celebrate45% Friendly competitions43% Wearing team apparel29% Watching games28% Decorating workspaces(Multiple responses were permitted.)Cities with the most companies that celebrate sports1 Des Moines2 Austin, Chicago, Indianapolis (tie3 Miami

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tales From the Career Front

Tales From the Career FrontTales From the Career FrontStrategies and tactics to reposition your personal brand when searching for a new career field.Ive been a woman of leisure (read unemployed) for several months and frankly it doesnt suit me. Im a very high-energy, high-action person and being sidelined has been frustrating. My frustration peaked recently while working on an exercise thats part of the Reach Branding Club curriculum. As a former Inc. 500 marketer, my objective welches to reposition my personal brand to move from technology sales back into software marketing.Articulating my personal vision and purpose welches relatively simple. However, translating that into supporting goals welches not. Although I have a classical marketing education (Kellogg M.B.A.), my career path has been more of a random walk than linear. Noting the gaps between my current and desired state, I had a crisis of faith. For instance, an interviewer recently made a snide comment about my portfolio be ing dated. Thus, one of my supporting goals was to update my portfolio. However, I couldnt see how to generate relevant content without a job.Strategy, tactics and perspectiveRather than dwelling on this dilemma, I created an action item that read brainstorm/articulate opportunities to expand portfolio. For me, brainstorm is a word that stimulates conscious and unconscious thought. Although this placeholder didnt immediately address the issue, it allowed me to keep my portfolio in perspective and proceed with interim project deliverables. This is a pivotal point - one where youre tested. Do you believe in what youre trying to accomplish? Does your objective truly resonate with you? And if so, do you have faith in your ability to see the project through to completion? What facilitated my progress at this point was a fundamental belief in my vision and my ability to execute, as well as my delight in working with a new communication medium - a blog.My initial choice of using a blog a s a brand communication medium was tactical cost and time to launch. As the project moved ahead, however, I realized that the solution to my content dilemma lay in the medium itself. My blog is essentially a dynamic portfolio, providing multiple options - proof of performance posts, observations and commentary on ideas and events - to address the content issue. From a strategic standpoint, the medium reinforces my personal dynamism and change-agent brand attributes. Further, my blog is itself proof of performance, illustrating my use of technology to achieve results central to my brand message. Finally, my presence online differentiates me in a crowded technology marketplace.A second point of frustration was how to fast forward through several years of marketing history. My technique scoping the blogs of target company executives. When I did this, I found a reference to The Big Moo. I wound up at and realized that Seth Godin and the group of 33 authors were articulating and redefining the worlds of business and marketing. Leveraging Amazons associations and input from business publications, I developed my reading list.Who do you love?A final point of frustration was getting up to speed on current marketing tactics. By using job descriptions and outtakes from my recent interviews, I was able to identify critical success factors and went searching for best practices. What I found was that the bios and blogs of people you admire are great sources of information. What sources do they frequent? What mediums and vehicles do they use to communicate ideas? Tapping into these sources doesnt require a $250 association membership, a $95 event fee or even a paid subscription. There is more compelling content on the Web - webinars, white papers, newsletters and blogs - than a person could ever absorb. (My recommendation Use Debbie Weils BlogWrite for CEOs as a springboard into the blogosphere.)Case in point Im a William Arruda fan, not only in the abstract ( I believe in what he and Kirsten Dixson at Brandego are doing) but as a Reach/Brandego client. I noticed he wrote for and subscribed to their newsletter. There is a wealth of information on best practices on The ON24 Resource Library is another great resource for webinars on topics ranging from marketing to health care. When doing due diligence on target companies, check out the resource sections on their Web site for highly relevant content. Indeed, the trend in the marketing industry to influence and attract prospects by demonstrating and sharing thought leadership is ideal for the job seeker - or anyone else developing or honing their competitive edge.Distinguish yourself and be remarkableEach of us pursues challenges and satisfaction in a different way. Some career lessons are broadly relevant, spanning industry, function and level. From my perspective, its critical to innovate and accelerate, to set the pace of change. Based on my own exp eriences, Ive come up with five tips that can add focus and momentum to your career endeavorsConnect to your core values, passions and competencies to generate remarkable results.Demonstrate faith in yourselfDeploy resources (yourself and technology) strategicallyBenchmark your performance. This must be an ongoing priority.Perpetuate a culture of growth share your insights freely